Today is my 1000th post to Blip, which means that - including the preceding year on Tumblr - I've written 1,350 daily posts, starting on January 16th, 2012. Despite a couple of close calls - where I nearly forgot to take a photo - I've yet to miss a day. 

Today also happens to be my Dad's birthday and I went down to London to see him. My intention was to use a photo of him for today's Blip but there was never quite an appropriate moment in which to take one.

So instead, here's a photo of my brother, Wol, (on the right) and our good friend Nick. Nick's a fascinating fellow, who amongst other things, has gone from being a confirmed and vocal atheist to an unwavering Christian. A few years ago he published a book called 'Britain's Holiest Places', which is a really interesting book.  Now he's about to do a PhD about how the early British Christians involved nature in their worship, so we chatted about that for a while, too.

My brother has just moved back to the UK from Spain, which has been wonderful. Even though we're still a couple of hundred miles apart, it makes more of a difference than you'd think just being in the same time zone.

Almost everyone's life has it's ups and downs, and things have been a little tricky for me of late, although only in some transient and not especially significant respects. It's been a little stressful and tiring, though, and having a couple of days with the Minx and then an evening in the pub with two people I love has been a real tonic. 

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