Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Silver & Herbie

Here are Silver and Herbie.  Let me introduce you.  They live at Bushfield Farm and are half brothers with matching pink noses.  They are 6 and 7 years old, but I don't know which one is which age.  Today they were in Winchester Cathedral Close giving rides in their waggon to visitors at the Harvest Fair.  They were being driven by Ness, (who you can just see), helped by Tilly the collie.

Other things at the Fair included a brilliant collection of food stalls, a band playing a swing (ish) repetoire, 3 geese and 5 small white ducks with orange beaks that must have been made from plastic, a huge mechanical organ and an air ambulance.  However, it was Silver and Herbie who won my prize for the most beautiful contribution to the day, even beating Charlie the barn owl and Tally the (39 year old!!) red-tailed hawk.

Happy Saturday night, dear peeps  xx

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