Hooray for Harvest!

I was up at Dunscore today to prepare the AV for tomorrow's service. The church had been beautifully decorated with flowers and fruit. Typing in the words to "We Plough the Fields and Scatter" brought back a flood of memories from years and years ago. This was probably the most important time of the year, once, when it was a matter of life and death to have gathered in the harvest from the fields and have it safely stored away to feed people and animals during the lean, dark and hungry months of winter.
Living in a rural area, you can still instinctively feel the relief of a good harvest. It is almost dark as I write this at 7 o'clock, and today we lit the woodburner for the first time this year. People are looking to their homes and hearths for comfort, it's very primal.
Also at this time of year, I used to love going to Harvest Assembly at my childrens' primary school in Shawhead. It was a bit like this. They all loved that song!

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