Too Much Fun!

After opening the girls on the allotment and taking photos of Love-In-Mist and other things I had a very quiet and restful day.  Then at 5pm  had a sudden flurry of activity! Rushed into the village to get food from the pop up kitchen in the village hall - curry this friday! Took some more photos of the light sparkling on the river as I waited! Home, eat, grab warm clothes and up to the allotment to put the girls to bed. Pick up Colourful Mai and then up out of the village, over the main road and into the wilds of Chilsworthy and up  a very bumpy road to the housewarming of Compassionate Girl! We were met by their dog who tried to get in the car! We stood and admired the view - being so high up what a view it was over their field with  the fire pit led to by fire torches! They had totally renovated, it had already been converted from a cow shed but badly! They had transformed the place and installed a heating system which was her husbands pride and joy - he gave me a tour of the house and finished with the boiler room!
Drinks in hand we headed for the fire pit and that was me for the evening - camera on tripod and photographing the fire, the torches, the people, the stars and finally the moon which rose at about 11 as a red half ball!! I got Drama Teacher to position himself so I could get him and the plough - which caused much hilarity as I positioned him, told him to bend over and hold his position! He did question at one point why he was allowing himself to be a model - I told him it was because as a teacher he was conditioned to cease questioning and  just do as he was told whether he agreed with it or not!
So - more practise for me at night photography! Should have it sussed by the time the short nights are back! 

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