Where it all began

We spent much of the Lacock Abbey, home of William Henry Fox Talbot, the inventor of the photographic negative. Fox Talbot was prompted to his invention by his frustration at his inability to draw & paint as well as his wife & her sisters could. Since we last went into the Abbey, many more rooms have been opened to the public, including this, his study. This is where it all began!

In total contrast, we spent the evening at the Cheese & Grain in Frome, where John Lydon and Public Image Ltd. were playing. I didn't know what to expect but it was too good an opportunity to miss. It was amazing and it went down superbly with a sell-out crowd, and it seems the crowd went down equally well with the band - at the start of the encore, Mr Rotten said "It is good to play for proper people. Thank you." Says it all, really.

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