Aylesford on the River Medway

At least a day behind on this blip. This is the classic view of the village of Aylesford alongside the tidal Medway. Quite a pleasing view taken while we were waiting in a line of traffic on the bridge that was held up owing to a level crossing on the Medway Valley railway line. While in the queue I was able to nip out and capture the blip, normally there is no opportunity to stop.

Mind you this view is not indicative of the environment around here. The village is engulfed by large unsightly warehousing and industrial units along a busy and scruffy main road. That's what you'd see if you looked in any of the other 270 degrees from this view.

We were on our way to PC World from the gym to try and sort out a problem with a gift card we had bought which had been rejected three times when we tried to authorise the card. Turns out we may have been sent the wrong card. I should have realised as the card was labelled B and Q and not PC World. Now I have the correct card and have authorised it on line but will have to wait until Monday now to see if it works.

The afternoon was spent juicing the very last batch of apples from our tree. The apples are all finished now. We've made 22 pints of apple juice as well as 40 pints of cider - a barrel of which is coming over next Wednesday. The question now is, how long do we wait until we sample it? Some people think a year - drink last year's cider when you start to make this year's. Can we wait that long?

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