
By MamaOfBoys

Day 2 in the garden

We had a more relaxed day today.

I woke with a  headache and nosebleed, i didn't sleep at all well i went from one awful dream to another. Sleeping was exhausting haha but Andre let me go back to bed and he took care of the kids and gave them breakfast.

The weather was warm but really windy and of course i didn't start my gardening until late afternoon when the wind was really whipping around. 

We kind of mucked around for most of the day, we have something on every weekend for the next few weeks so was nice to sort of do nothing plus Harper is really really miserable. The spots on his feet hurt him when he walks and the ones on his hand look nasty and sore, he has some in his mouth and today drinking was proving hard for him. Hes got them in his nappy area too  along with  constant runny nose so hes just in a bad way. We gave him a warm bath a couple of times just to help relieve him. I'm really surprised the others haven't yet got it but maybe there's still time. 

When i did get in the garden i decided on bricks to use as edging, i had used them as edging in past years but with the new courtyard i didn't really want to, i wanted to keep the concrete nice. But the  boys would drive through any other edging.

So i put bricks along the edge of the concrete in the garden then put another on top. I did just a short area today as i found from not doing any gardening since this time last year the ground hard hardened and from when they did the concrete there were a lot of gravel in the soil so digging and turning the soil over wasn't particularly easy. I only have a garden fork so am in need of gardening tools!

After i managed to get it all set up i dug through a couple of bags of compost and planted some veg.

In the above photo i planted lettuces at the front then celery behind them. Once i soak the beans i'll plant them along the back on the fence to grow. Towards the right at the end there is an empty space and if you can imagine the fence all along to the right is the one that is yet to be replaced so i've left that area bare for now. Once the fence is done i'll plant silverbeet, kale and spinach which is then in the shady area of my yard so wont bolt straight  away.

In the other photo i have planted snow pea at the front, i may end up moving the spring onions that are to the left of them and plant more snowpeas, i really love their little tendrils that grab each other and the stakes when i get around to putting them in.

I'll grow beans along the fence here too just some of the way, the rest i'll grow some zucchini and cucumber, they need staking too so i find it easier to have them against the fence.

Towards the end of being in the garden though the sun was shining and it was warm the wind was really gusty so i figured i'll pick up where i left off maybe tomorrow. I think we'll be home next couple of days just to get everyone rested and ready for school again next week plus the boys love helping in the garden , today clumps of dirt being thrown on the ground were hilarious. 

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