
By MamaOfBoys

Herbs in a bath

I got to planting mid morning after my usual house work . 

Andre told me before i started our landlord had been in touch as our fence was meant to be replaced by now, he was going to chase them up.

 Sort of threw a spanner in my gardening plans as i bought the veg i want to plant along that fence line. If i plant them i can only imagine they'll get trampled when the guy does actually show up to replace it. So i just left that part of the garden

Bit disheartened but i could still move on anyway.

I bought this tough black plastic edging that i was going to use to stop the kids in the garden, it was useless. Really useless. I put it in along the other fence line figuring i could at least plant the other veg along there but the kids just ran the edging over on their trikes. So i took it out, i'll use it for something else.

I concentrated my gardening efforts on the bath, kids are not easy to garden with though, i wasn't finding it relaxing as i thought it would be.I appreciated they wanted to help but it wasn't that helpful.

So in the tub i planted herbs at the front- thyme, pizza thyme, oregano, sage, chives, parsley (which doesn't always grow for me, temperamental thing) basil. At the back of the bath i planted the 2 lavender plants my neighbor gave me and some beetroot which when i bought it i thought were the round ones only they are the torpedo ones that look like carrots.

In the pots around the edge of the bath i planted lettuces, mint, pineapple sage and lemon balm. The last 3 will get bigger and bushier so i plan to move them to by the conservatory when they do.

Andre spent the day doing his painting stuff and the boys were just hanging around. Harper is miserable, he has more spots today on his feet, he keeps coming to me and showing me the ones that are sore, i called healthline as he has them on his shins and arms, they think he has a more severe case than normal.

My father in law came by with some scarlet runner beans, they are always reliable, you know there are just some veg and plants that you know just grow well without a lot of tending to them. He stayed for coffee and we talked where to have plants etc.

I managed to cut my hand twice while gardening just from not watching what i'm doing and it getting caught on things. 

I have to say that though the day was stressful at times it was an alright day, i finally made a start on my garden and i think it looks good so far!

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