I want to hold the snake daddy!

Poor Munchie was having horrible dreams last night, she never fully woke, but there was lots of crying. After the third time of going to check on her, I got into bed with her and cuddled. At some point she got out of bed and went to daddy, I slept.

Lazy morning, PJ's were still on at 10:30am. Bliss.
Lots of play, sorted out Bertie's book for nursery, tried and failed to do some school work. Lunch, the children devoured the fish pie Lee and I had last night.

Met Daddy at the party we were invited too, was rather good fun. Munchie loved it. She held a corn snake, stroked a chinchilla, tortoise (but that was boring as I have some at home!) had a sugar glider jump off her head, refused to kiss a bull frog and got to say Hi to a meerkat. Wom was in his element and was just doing laps around the village hall. Yummy food with an adults table of food!

Home, baths etc, school work etc
Heating on!

Extra photos are Munchie and Lucy waiting for their turns at Pass the Parcel and Wom trying on Justins sunglasses!

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