Ride a cock horse to ......

Early early start to today. Too early to mention.

Ballet completed, not a success this week as Charlotte cried for the entire lesson which was hard going. On the way home she said she was sad, but couldn't tell me why. Once home she climbed onto daddy's lap and slowly fell asleep. Transferred onto my lap she slept for over an hour and a half. We missed the first part of Matilda's party, swimming, but made it to the second part.

Horsey rides. Charlotte was in her element and was allowed two rides. Such a happy girl and more than happy to trot off on her own with the owners of the horsey. A very chilled out party in the garden with lovely food and company.

Home for Charlie Lola fest, cuddles and tea.

Bath bed and all asleep by 7:20
I won't be far behind them.

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