Sixty-two years on....

I am still sorting through boxes from my mother's flat.    I found another one with hundreds and hundreds of photos.    

This is a very daunting feeling.   There is little point in keeping many, but it somehow feels a very final thing to throw them out.    Some I will scan before I dump.  Some people I don't even know who they are.   Others are the faces I remember from childhood.   Am I ready to let them disappear for ever?   They can still evoke memories for me, but, of course, for my children and grandchildren they will mean nothing.

And there are cards, letters of sympathy, great piles of them to my mother on the occasion of my grandmother's death in 1971!   It's easier to put those out.

Extra:   P7, Lincluden Primary School.    That's me in the middle - luckily my head and shoulders status settled down to an average 6'.   On my left is Michael Carter (we shared a desk).   Michael went to RADA and has had a good career as a TV and film actor.     Michael Carter

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