Rant Monday!!!!
How on earth does any sound minded person think charging for plastic bags will
1 ---- help charities --- excuse me ! What charities? I haven't heard any store say which one it's going to!
2 ---- help the inviroment ----- those who want to throw bags away indiscriminately will still do so, what is needed is,either
a ) cut down on the fast food take away shops allowed to trade!
b ) ---- fine more people throwing rubbish away, I regularly have to remove rubbished pushed into my hedge, sometime larger tins with still larger in it , I pull it from the hedge and get covered aww awful!!
The only thing which will help is STOP making plastic bags!!
What is wrong with brown paper carrier bags , we used to have them! Infact some stores have started doing this.
Also where is the health and safety in all this ie you go to
a store and buy clothes they are then put into a used bag
which had heaven knows what in it! On getting home you then
decide it has to be returned, maybe in yet another used bag,
then someone else buys the goods. We have enough super bugs here without allowing more to be spread!!
I myself would not mind paying for a bag if I could see the reason for it but I can't, sorry.!!!
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