
By Lenore

Running track

It's hot.  Today is touching 34 degrees celsius and even the locals are saying it's hot, so it must be true.  It feels hotter.  It makes me miss the cold, because at least when it's cold you can get out and do things, may not be that pleasant as you start, but you soon warm up.  Be bold, go cold, as they say.  We all just retreat inside during the day.

Dirk and I have been fitting in evening runs and exercise when we can.  This means when there isn't a reason not to, such as the boy being a bit unsettled, and given late afternoon is prime unsettled time, it hasn't always gone too well.  Today was the first day of the new regime - morning exercise.  Plonk the boy in his push chair and get outside for circuits - it worked just great. Dirk cleared a running track when he was back in Zim at Easter - the picture is the start of the 'track' - this is the bit I never run.  My sister would run it, but she's quite a bit fitter at me and way better at anything to do with an incline.  My natural instinct with an incline is to walk.  

So we're feeling rather virtuous today.  Dirk then set off to a cattle sale (sounds way more interesting than it is) whilst Gill and I went to morning tea at the neighbours, which sounds terribly refined.  

We have a visiting lizard - there are many, many around, but there is one I continually have to 'shoo' out of the room, he knows exactly what to do and scampers back away under the door.  There's a geko living in the living room, but I'm told that's good as they eat bugs, in my world that is good. 

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