Chicken Take-Away?

For the chickens yes! A chickens version of Egg Foo Young! Boiled rice and raw egg! I think that Estelle and Mrs Tipsy  have their beady eyes on the morsel that Snowy has!
This is my mono monday Fun photo because what can be more fun than a chicken, or two, or 18?! Even early on a wet, misty autumn day, they made me smile and laugh at their cheekiness! Like a swarming hoard they ran to the goodies I had brought, pecking it down greedily and often one could be seen running away from the group to savour a particularly tasty morsel, only for the others to run after it - all resembling a Rugby game! As I cleaned the coop Bluebell came up behind me and pecked on my back, Dotty flew up onto the bin hoping for favoured treatment as I got a mug full of mixed seeds as a treat! Next game was race you to the blackcurrant - much squawking at this! Finally after all this pleasure off some slunk to the coop to nestle down and lay me an egg as thanks! The rest gathered under the corrugated sheet in disgust as the sudden flurry of rain! Time to preen their feathers and make themselves look  even more gorgeous! 
So much FUN!   :-D

Thanks to Nickimags888 for the fun!

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