Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Luna Cat

Is keeping me company.

Today has been long and with not enough sleep.

The day started with taking Jeeves to the vets, his ears had started bothering him again and this weekend I noticed that they felt hot. I was expecting them to say it was probably mites again but I wasn't prepared for what feels like the devasting blow of an infection. He has puss in both ears. Its likely the last ear trouble was infection as well.

I wanted to just break down and cry in the vets but I held it together as we discussed the options - anitbotic drops (the same as before so I know they are bunny safe) and see how it goes and if that doesn't help then a swab would be required later. Or swab now and start with the drops and if a change in meds is required then we will know what the best approach will be.

Given how we lost WooWoo last December I opted for getting the swab done now, sure it was expensive but I just need to know that I am doing all I can for my baby boy.

I broke down in tears as soon as I got home.

But Jeeves is eating pooping and doing Jeeves stuff all as normal, I came home to him being naughty and we had supper together.

In other news I am totally ignoring that I am sick. I have a sore throat and mild temp. My plan is to eat well, drink plenty and suck on throat sweets and ignore it some more cause I have a half marathon to run on Sunday.

I'm still worried about my baby, I can't go through all that again, I just don't know if I am strong enough.

He is going to be ok isn't he

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