Way Up High

To improve our chances to have one of the agility courses to ourselves, we set out early today. I like to sleep in the morning, but if we're going out, I am always on my four paws, ready to go, faster than you can say Seesaw!

And when we got there, we were alone! A warmup walk and then another great training session, with ten obstacles this time. I need one or two practice rounds on the tunnels before I can run the whole course, they are still a bit scary. But after that, I ran and ran and mum said, still out of breath, that she could have hoped for no better at the end of this season!

Then we had to go water the newly planted heather in the churchyard for mum's grandma and grandpa. It is a rather long drive, but I got a great compensation, because we climbed the mountain near the church when mum was done. It is very steep, which makes it even more fun! And do you know what I found? Yellow summer chanterelles, of which I managed to eat a chunk before mum realised what it was, and bilberries! Mum said they had been frozen and defrosted, but I was thrilled in any case.

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