Postcard from My Neighbourhood

This morning I had to go and get my glasses altered as they were hurting a bit. Being such a beautiful morning I walked to the Optometrists at Merivale and took some shots on the way. On the way back I stopped off for a coffee then headed to Abberley Park where I have blipped before. There were a lot of Monarch Butterflies fluttering around but I couldn't manage a shot as they just kept on moving. They were enjoying the beautiful day.

It was lovely seeing all the Spring flower out. The little stream was all white on it's sides with the fall of the Spring Blossoms. I was surprised to see how well the blossom trees stood up to the gale force winds on Sunday and Monday. We were to get them again today but so far so good. It has been a really warm day at one stage I noiteced the temperature was 27c. And there was no wind just a slight breeze at times.

It was so hard to pick what shot to put up today as I took so many good ones so decided to do a collage in the end.

Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer.
Geoffrey B. Charlesworth

PS ..We had a high of 28c which is very warm for this time of year! 

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