A Stromy View

It's been a beautiful day, well if you like lots of rain and gales force winds! Even though it's been windy all day, it hasn't been cold.  The car was even reading 16 degrees at 6.30pm tonight and hasn't dropped below 13 degrees :) 

I've been working in the museum office today, scanning more old photos for the database.  I was down in the museum now and again to help out, it was busy at times, perfect museum weather :)  I even met an old whaler that is up visiting from Newcastle, he knew my granddad well :) 
After tea and headed up to see my sister Laura and family with Sammy.  A few hours to myself now and then off to work in the pub tonight.

I had to nip home at lunchtime and kept my eyes on the seas when I was driving.  Passing through Quarff and the waves were looking great.  Not as high as we can get but still dramatic.  Some view these houses have, and some job keeping the windows clean at this time of year :)  I have a similar view from my house today but not as big as this.  Taken at East Quarff, looking over Casho.  

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