happy, angry, fearful, confused

Part 5, hopefully the final installment I hear you shout of club107 does actor studio. We have already had multiple calls from some luminaries of the film industry, contracts are being prepared and I rather suspect you will be seeing some more of these faces in a cinema near you.

Today started with a peaceful house til 8am and then we slowly emerged. I finally managed to get something I have been waiting roughly 17 years to do. So the to do list took one in the teeth. Still some artistic bits and bobs to do but we're nearly there.

Left child #2 at a party this afternoon which reminded me of the film Death Race 2000, yes I guess I am that old. It looked like utter mayhem and that was before they even got into the swimming pool. Zoiks, rather them than me. Just about to head up to pick through the human debris to collect Miss.

More mad weather. What the blazes have we done?


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