Act natural, that guy is takin photos

Minor lack of sleep but after the excitement of yesterday and the multitasking overload that is our life from time to time, yesterday I think it has rarely been more intense, it was going to be a relaxing day. Well relatively speaking that is.

I found myself back-blipping as we got back very late.

Time is running out before the end of the school term, between now and then two birthdays, one concert, car repairs, a dance show, etc.

So tomorrow night my friend is playing another cine-concert which I have been telling colleagues about all day, it was that stunning. I would really recommend anyone in Edinburgh go to see it tomorrow evening. The concert actually begins at 6pm at the French Institute in Randolph Crescent. Shameful plug, but if I didn't think people would walk out thinking it was class, I wouldn't mention it.

oh and yes I asked before taknig this photo, the guys seemed quite bemused.


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