
By MyLifeMirror

Coal Miners' Granddaughter

That is me.
We had a few storms roll through today and I walked out this evening to see if there was any damage.
Just the usual plant/tree material in the pool and blown all around the yard.
And then I saw my chunk of coal.
I brought it to Arizona form Pennsylvania when we moved out here.
It reminds me of my roots, of all the sacrifices of my family that I should stand where I am today.
Coal mining supported many families but it was hard and mostly unsafe.
One of my Grandfathers worked there as a small child and eventually earned a degree in electrical engineering to work in the steel mills.
My other Grandfather spoke 7 languages and could teach but the mines provided more money for his large family and he worked there many, many years.
I am so very proud of my roots and that piece of coal reminds me of where I came from each time I see it. :)

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