Yare Swans

3 Rivers come through Norwich. Usually you see photo's from my river the Wensum,  that flows through the heart of the city & carried shipping & industry. The Yare flows in from the south past the University, past grand houses with huge gardens down to the river. Fortunately the Yare is marshy, broad fen, so there are still public rights of way along it. 
I used to walk the Yare, in search of kingfishers, when I lived that side of the city. 
Today I managed to persuade myself to go swimming : some achievement as I haven't been there since spring. So took camera & went in search of Yare Swans. They have managed to raise 5. The secret : a guy with a garden on the river gives them food/shelter so safer from predators the raise more than Wensums 2.

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