Porty Girl!!!

By portyg

my cones full and falling over.............

On my way to work this morning, I saw a road maintenance truck flashing it's lights in a quiet suburban street. From a distance I didn't know what it was - flashing orange lights and large pointy arrow.

I worked it out when I passed it by. The cones were returning from a day out at the seaside with their 2 friends who had yellow waterproofs on (the men were obviously prepared for the scottish seaside in autumn- cold, wet, windy and definitely looked miserable).

The truck was filled with hundreds of cones, all looking a little worse for wear, and guess what they had brought bits of the seaside with them - lots of bags filled with sand...........but I didn't see the proverbial buckets, spades or candy floss, mind you it was before 0700hrs on a cold morning.

Further along I discovered these, obviously the morning after the night before - they couldn't even line up in a straight line, some had lost their bases, and fallen over. What is the world coming to?

The sun came out later, and I walked along the waterfront to a big shopping centre, but by the time I got there, I couldn't really be boverred.

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