i've got gray...

...worried the princess diva gracie this morning

upon waking up with a raging head - not feeling well - blistering heat outside and wondering what i might blip today... this is what greeted me! my princess diva concerned about turning gray - really?

you have no gray, grace... it's black

meep - look again... clearly you didn't see it - maybe you should put your glasses on...

please gracie... your fur is mult-colored anyway - it'll blend in...

meow - meow... it's there - right above my eye - get close...

i am close... people are going to be scared with how close i am! i still don't see what you're worried about... you're gorgeous - and... well... you are over 17 years old now, ya know... you might get a stray every now and then... besides - how did you see this gray? were you in the sink again - looking in the mirror?

meep... meep...


meow... i was pawing through the "kitty news highlights" the other day - if you must know... and there was an article about things to watch for entering those senior years... although i don't think i'm there yet - i still believe i'm a kitty-diva at heart...

of course you are princess... and will always be - which is why i think this gray stuff is nonsense... let's put it aside - we've more important things to attend to...

meow - meow...

exactly - like having...


happy day.....

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