7.05 am

12.9C and fairly dull. A very few bright spells with gaps in the thin cloud. Light breeze.

The sunrise may have been the best part of the day.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went through to Broughty Ferry this morning to collect a painting Apothecary7 had in for framing at Eduardo Alessandro's. It gave me a chance to go for a run in my car to see how it felt after having some work done. No problems to report.

Maeve and I went for a walk after lunch. Jean Michel Jarre (Oxygene), and Mark Knopfler (soundtrack for the film Local Hero) on the Nano. We went up to the church then continued out along the country road to Scryne. We turned right at Craigmill farm and went down the track to the shore road. We crossed over and went down to the beach by the little private road and over the level crossing on the Easthaven side of the burn. The tide had just turned and the burn was quite full so it wasn't so easy for me to pick my way across today, even though I went down the burn to where it spreads out on a stony section of the beach where it reaches the sea. There was some balancing on stones, sploshing, and a bit of a jump to get over the last part. I took Maeve's lead off before we started to cross and she just waded through after me.

We wandered along the beach to Westhaven. The beach wasn't looking its best. Lots of seaweed right along the water's edge. I picked up a few pieces of broken pottery as we walked. At Westhaven Valhalla A was moored out at the seaward end of the channel though the rocks. The skipper had not long moored and come in to the beach by the dinghy.

We came back along East Row then crossed back by the road bridge over the railway then carried on round in a long loop heading into Carnoustie and up the main road before turning along for home.

DMC-LX7 f/2.8 1/125 sec. ISO-100 18mm (35mm focal length 216mm)

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