at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

This is an egg briar

That ivy collected from some chickens. (I know right- her life is just so cool) when she was at janis' this morning (I had a migraine and so sent her away).she wanted to show it to briar? It inevitably got broken and she was properly gutted - particularly when I said I couldn't fix it with sellotape. To cheer her u, eventually I said we could turn the broken egg into pancakes. Think I might have failed at teaching her a life lesson about being gentle with eggs.

Lots of stress today about briars weight - they wanted her given a bottle (I said no) and brought straight in to the children's ward (I said no). Our position is briar is a healthy child, she's just doing 'an ivy' - if she looked unwell or unhappy we'd be more anxious to change but I'm not throwing yet another task into our days before I'm xompeltly convinced ita necessary. Going to dig out heels in a bit till we get to see our dietician and consultant.

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