Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Teknon Entrance

Routine check with the traumatologist today and an x-ray to see how the fracture is healing. All fine, but she also confirmed that the soreness and pain in the foot could last up to a year....the same as the Dr in the physio centre on Wednesday. I continue to be amazed that such a silly twist can have such consequences. What with that, then awee session of magnetic therapy in Passeig de Gracia and a normal physio session later on from 5-6pm and the day was almost taken care off.

Dinner in tonight again: scallops and morcilla (black pudding) with apple and green salad and a honey, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice dressing. Delicious!

My blip's of the entrance to the Teknon hospital, up the top of the town, where I saw the traumatologist.

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