Backblip 3rd October: Full Steam Ahead
On Saturday we left Culloden, aiming to spend the night wild camped in Glen Banchor just outside Newtonmore.
We went first to Broomhill, to catch the train to Aviemore - slightly around-the-houses but research on Streetview suggested that on a Saturday afternoon we might struggle to park Brunhilde in Aviemore. Broomhill is the less busy station and has a large car park and so we did the Strathspey Railway back to front.
Having arrived back in Broomhill.... we went to Aviemore to post a birthday card and stock up with some provisions.
Glen Banchor (extra pic) was a delight - but only after a fairly hairy arrival. The road is (very) narrow, twisty, turny, uppity, downy... and lacking in passing places. If this had been an adventure game we might have shed a few items to make the passing easier, but alas it was not, it was reality and I had my eyes screwed tightly shut when we met a car and neither of us had anywhere to go.
Stunning scenery, babbling burn, miles of track to walk... but it was busy. It was quite late before the small car park was sufficiently empty for us to position Bruni as level as possible. Then we had our by now traditional steak dinner and then proceeded to become a little fuzzy about the edges.
The red wine helped as a sedative as the sound of rutting deer prevented much sleep...
2nd October
1st October
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