
By LadyPride

Lynn called

Friday working at home and it felt like bliss. We scooted to school much to Squidge's delight as she sees all the older kids whizzing by on theirs each morning.

She complained of a headache but I didn't think much of it. Was just getting settled into a productive afternoon when school called, she hadn't eaten lunch, was lethargic and running a temperature. I picked her up twenty minutes later. Her teacher Lynn has a lovely way about her. She put me under no pressure to come and collect her saying "It's not long until pick up and I'm sure she'll be fine but we always like to let parents know".

When I arrived Squidge was lying across Lynn's lap being read to while all the other children played outside in the sunshine. Poor thing. Lynn said she was glad I'd come as what wouldn't have seemed long to us ( few hours) can feel a very long time to a poorly three year old.

Thank goodness it happened when I was at home though! I got her in and under a duvet on the sofa with some toast and dare I say it once she'd rested a while, I definitely got the sense she was enjoying being pampered. She even asked me to call the doctor! After she'd asked for ice cream as well. Peppa Pig episodes have a lot to answer for.

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