Chelsea Boots

Had to use this pic tonight - it was a winner! It was taken in the park this afternoon. Not quite sure how Squidge got herself up there but I wasn't let the photo opportunity pass before I got her down. Cruel mother, I know!

She's wearing her new Chelsea boots in the pic which we bought earlier today. Am so pleased with them. I buy a lot of second hand stuff off eBay for Squidge normally (for example, the coat and dress she is wearing!) so it was nice to buy something new for once!

After a sleepless night for us all last night and a 6.30am wake up we took it easy this morning. Popped into town and surprised Angus with some cake we bought from a tea shop in the Northern Quarter (he was salivating watching GBBO last night!) Unfortunately he was just about to receive a party of 40 corporate guests and his boss from London. So it was bad timing! We were pretty much thrown out! We didn't take it personally.

Met our friends' gorgeous one week old baby, Ava in the park earlier. I was a little shocked and overcome by how broody she made me. She was a little baby just like Squidge had been and it honestly could have been her lying in her pram two and a bit years ago. They were the same size practically! I say I don't want another one but that baby today did funny things to me! I didn't know I could feel that broody!

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