
By tepeka


I know you've all been worrying about the lack of pizza, so you'll be relieved to hear that the situation was rectified today.

Mme Tepeka and I did a food tour of the Gold Coast and Old Town neighbourhoods, which began in the pizzeria of the family firm that supposedly invented the deep pan pizza. And it was very good indeed.

For those unfamiliar with proper Chicago deep pan (as I have to confess I was until a few hours ago), it's a thin base and sides of dough, covered with slices of cheese to stop the base from getting soggy, then a layer of (in this case) sausage, more cheese, and finally tomatoes on top. Truly delicious.

Sadly, only one slice was provided on the tour before we had to head off to the next of seven venues, so I'm still a bit behind on my quantity target. But we've still got a couple of days, so I'm sure I can make up for it.

In theory, Mme Tepeka needs to be carb-loading this evening before tomorrow's marathon, but if previous form is anything to go by we'll probably end up in a sushi bar.

A fun day. Chicago is a beautiful city and has a friendly atmosphere to it that you don't find in New York. The extra was the view from our hotel room at sunset. Must come back with the kids one day...

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