
By FarmerGirl


We had a slight frost this morning, which produced fog over the township and up the valley.  I took this photo at 8.15am, looking over towards our woolshed.  The cows, who had not long finished being milked, are in their paddock just beyond the woolshed - if you look close enough you will see them.  You have probably seen this scene a number of times in my photo's - I love that big Oak tree in the image.  It's a magnificent old tree, that towers over the woolshed.

The fog lifted about 9am and it became a lovely warm day (20 degrees C).  I got lots achieved today.  Farmerboy and I washed the outside walls of the cottage this morning,  I did the washing, washed the car and mowed the lawns.

Back to school tomorrow *sad face*.  The past two weeks of school holidays have gone really fast (as they do), but I got lots achieved, and we had really nice weather.  The last school term of the year will go extra fast, with lots happening.  Before we know it, it will be Christmas.

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