Duck Drama

I went down to the lagoon again this evening for a little mallard therapy and found the entire gang there quacking loudly.  This fellow, the only one of his kind in the group, is still with the group and I still don't know what kind of duck he is.  We had bread and games and then I almost fell in the lagoon. 

 One of the pitfalls of aging I guess is losing a bit of equilibrium, although to be fair, I was negotiating a tricky slope full of rocks at the water's edge.  I took a large canvas bag of bread down for the ducks and when it was empty it was fodder for the stiff wind that was blowing and it took off for the water.  I can only imagine how miserable it would be to go down to the lagoon on a regular basis and see that bag stuck somewhere forever unrecoverable or worse, wrapped around some critter's neck.  So, I had to try and catch it and since it was barely on the edge of the bank and since the wind was blowing a gale, it was just seconds from being blown out onto the water. I sort of slithered down the slippery bank, trying not to step on a duck or trip over a rock in the process.  I wasn't entirely successful but I managed to avoid the water and sharp objects.   A brief thought flashed through my head of just how long it would be before somebody saw/found me crumpled in a heap under the boat dock because it was Saturday evening and there probably wouldn't be anyone at the boatyard until Monday.  I do know how to swim so drowning didn't cross my mind, but I was worried about breaking a bone.  The ducks were no help at all since they weren't sure the bread bag was empty yet so they were kind of twining their way around my legs and then there was a pair of honking Canada geese who assumed I was invading their territory and made threatening gestures in my direction.

Of course I survived or I wouldn't be here to write this, but maybe next time I go to the lagoon I'd better tie myself to my car bumper.  I'm sure my daughter would have come looking for me.  She usually keeps pretty close tabs on me which is a nice feeling.  What's not a nice feeling though, is realizing I'm not as nimble as I used to be.  What they say is true about old age not being for the faint of heart.  It's not for the stupid either.  

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