Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

For the sake of art...

...  What we risk eh?
Life and limb?
Maybe not (in this case at least).
The Euw Factor though?
Most definitely.

I spotted this 'small fry' spider, in a clump of clematis (surely the correct collective noun?). Slightly disappointed that there were no bigger, juicier specimens on offer for my lens I felt, nevertheless, that there was a certain symmetry (and artistic value) here.

Capturing the image I was seing in my head (by now worthy of a Country Life Calendar at the very least) and avoiding having the rather ugly garden hose in shot, meant leaning further into the foliage and twisting (so that leaves didn't obscure either the spider or its look-alike frond).
All good so far.
(With me?).

Shot (not as good, obviously) captured as intended, I gently lowered the camera.
And found myself eye to eye (to eye to eye to eye etc) with a HUGE spider in the middle of a Shelob-worthy web, some of which (sorry spider) had attached itself unbidden to my (not unweblike in honesty) hair.
Great :-/
Funny how quickly you can move sometimes.

Sometimes I wonder if Blip aren't missing an opportunity by not adding an 'Upload the Video of How You Achieved This Capture' feature.

With bloopers section.

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