Another WOW day

We left Akureyri on a sunny beautiful day and explored the surrounding country. We firstly went to Godafoss, a beautiful double horseshoe waterfall. We then drove past Myvatn Lake.
Our next stop was Namaskard, an area of unbelievably smelly bubbling mud pools. Fascinating, but not somewhere you'd want to stop for sandwiches!!
We then went to Dettifoss, the most powerful waterfall in Europe. It was amazing, and so difficult to capture the whole waterfall in one picture. There was some beautiful rainbows in the mist of the waterfall. 1km up the river was Sellfoss, another stunning waterfall we visited.
After these waterfalls we took an 'F' road, which was an interesting experience!! During the driving we saw some very cute little Ptarmigan birds.
We walked to the end of Asbyrgi, a horseshoe cliff structure, creating a calm peaceful area, with a pond giving great reflections.
From there we drove along the north coast, making us a hairs breadth from the artic circle.
We drove through Husavik on the way back, which had a lovely church . I would have liked to have explored the town more - maybe another time!
Akureyri looked so pretty as we drove back, but went back via the most splendid Christmas shop ever!
An awesome day!

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