Thrills and spills
Obvously after last night's rubbish sleep, this morning was always going to start slowly... And, amused as I was by the number of people who'd obviously stayed over at our neighbours' stumbling around looking very broken, I couldn't bring myself to follow through on the punishment dreamed up last night that I'd send our kids to play (loudly) in front of their house at 8am...
Katherine's riding school had its summer fête today so we headed up there to watch Katherine galloping around and jumping. She wasn't in a competitive class, but we did stick around to watch some of the later competitions and there was much excitement with lots of girls being tipped off into the maroon and white jump in the background (ouch) and one bolting horse who was definitely not keen on jumping at all. Conor was delighted to see the horse he fell in love with the other day (Lune) doing well, but was a bit disappointed that the schedule had slipped and the 'have a go on a pony if you've never tried before' session was to be on too late for us. But the drunk/blind dog caused much amusement (it was not nearly as cruel as that makes it sound). This girl is apparently rather good and has won lots of competitions. Luckily I knew this in advance as, having discussed her riding at length and in very complimentary terms with the friendly couple sitting next to me, they turned out to be her parents.
Later, Katherine and some friends had set up a stall near our houses selling perfumed water (ie with lavender, rose petals, etc), bouquets of lavender and (grudgingly from my garden) sweet peas and (willingly from my kitchen) home made lemonade. They have grand plans to take a stall at the market in Lavaur on Saturday mornings... We shall see.
Now the terrace, a long cool drink and some snacks are calling...
EDIT: The kids made 8?50! So they've elected to take 2 euro each and keep 50 centimes in the 'working capital'. Katherine kindly pointed out that more than half of that was made from selling lemonade (which they sensibly watered down after they'd sold half of it, so they had more) and I kindly didn't point out that they hadn't paid me for the materials and labour...
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