Plus ça change...

By SooB

Hanging on

This red beetle was gripping the edge of the runner bean leaf while being buffeted about by the wind. Bit like how I felt today. One of those days where you start with a list of things to do, but keep being buffeted off track.

Helped Mr B with a legal contract this morning (once I'd kick-started my brain with some extra-strong tea) and, just as it was finished after a lot of painful brain work, it turned out it might not be needed after all. Mr B headed off to London today, so the afternoon was in theory to be spent in the garden. However, I was sidetracked by a million and one other things that needed done, and only got out to do the main job of the day (putting the bamboo screening on the pergola) when it was nearly dinner time. Regardless, I got up on the big wobbly ladder and slowly and painfully (bamboo gives horrible splinters) unrolled the five metre roll. It only fell on my head a couple of times and only really threatened to knock me off the ladder one of those times, so that's not too bad. The first three fixings went in a bit slowly, but ok... and then I realised it wasn't going to work the way we'd planned it and I'd have to turn it through 90 degrees. So, half an hour's work getting the fixings out again, and more slow and painful and splintery and wobbly moving of the bamboo... But finally the first length (width?) is in place, firmly attached and trimmed. One thumb is a bit flatter than it used to be, but otherwise the only injury was stabbing my grating injury from the other day with my thumbnail producing a world of pain and quite an impressive amount of blood. Tonight's planned ironing may therefore have to be postponed...

Tomorrow will be a day of cleaning, tidying and weeding because although as parents go my Mum doesn't make me stress about having a clean house (she knows me too well) it feels right to make a bit of an effort.

No idea what the beetle is, by the way. I presume now someone's going to come along and tell me it's the notorious red runner bean beetle...

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