
By Angelique


Went out early this morning and spotted loads of these Corprinus Comatus fungii.  Also known as Shaggy Ink Cap or Lawyers Wig.  They are growing in our lawn, next to the sun deck and probably due to the neighbours trees that are growing into this property.  I have killed off the shoots with weedkiller and would kill the trees too if I could as they are distorting the fence!!

We were up early as I had an appointment at the local hospital for an xray on my left thumb which is quite painful.  I expect it is arthritis so I'm not expecting much help.

But otherwise I have spent the day glass grinding of the new lampshade and will be happy when it is finished.

I hope Monday has been kind to you all and thank you for the kind comments on Jazz's trip outside.  She ventured out again today in the bright sunlight.

Sleep tight and restful  XXX.

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