My girls

Today's Children's Day in Brazil, so I've come over all sentimental (unusual - I detest these commercially-inspired holidays) and decided to post a recently restored pic of our girls, taken about 25 years ago.

Found myself clearing and swabbing down our little patio today - not what I had planned and it took all morning, but I'm glad it's done. Everything had been squashed to one side to give HH a clear passage to and fro when we were sleeping downstairs, the plants were suffering and it looked a mess. Intended to do some spring cleaning upstairs this afternoon, but haven't got very far with it. I should really just empty all the drawers and cupboards into a pile and set fire to it - we're such inveterate hoarders! And I can still fit into clothes that are 30 years old, in some cases, which is bad news for a hoarder.

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