Hung Out to Dry!
What could I possibly blip to illustrate today's weather. Then it came to me.
As a single raindrop from within the air,
With dimensions of four-thirds, pi, 'r',cubed.
A droplet that will be one of many,
It is strange to see you have such magnitude.
A collection of molecules,as physisists predict,
Dropping down to earth like a watery grape.
The liquid unit of varying weight
Sphere, orb and globule; the perfect shape.
Evaporation the key of this unknown vector
Transferred in form, from ground to up on high.
A gaseous vapor of two components
Traversing regions to above and across the sky.
A giver of life, and a taker in another state
Held as dampness in fluffy clouds to sheets of black.
Biding one's time in the eddy thermals
Transported by depressions that map out your track.
Awaiting nucleation to form a drop
Precipitated when heavy to fall by gravity.
At altitude and the coolness of air
Droplets jettisoning that floating canopy.
Moving with a constant velocity
Falling earthbound with increasing amplitude.
In time your mass will accelerate
Your journey at the surface will not conclude.
Spawned from lakes and oceans
As a single entity you descend from above.
Falling not alone but as many
To group with clones, a flow of force,thereof.
Exisistence is a threshold you will cross
Once inconspicuous as water vapor.
To change from water into rain
To deluges of floods that make the paper.
Characterised as the weather
To fall as drizzle and cats and dogs.
You fall under many guises
Then flow and cascade like herds of hogs.
Filling up the void of azure blue skies
Moisture moving along a three dimensional weather front.
Awaiting the timing to fall
Cascading over uplands and mountains in some aerial stunt.
Seasonal for some, yearly for others
Falling as showers of changing intensity.
An announced presence of cymbals
To tropical storms of such immensity.
Singing your song as you fall
From the dance of pitter patter.
To an encore of momentum
To a wild reel of eternal clatter.
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