Clever Marketing

I wonder how I'd get a pumpkin that size into -- and out of -- my small car? I can't even begin to imagine what tools would be required to carve a Halloween face in it!

There were plenty of far more reasonably sized pumpkins (see a sampling in the extra photo) at our nearby "one-stop shopping store" today, where we fill our prescriptions and have flu shots; do occasional "fill-in" food shopping; and buy small household and garden items.

I'm tired today, but I think it's because we've had such a busy weekend, having made two visits in Seattle on Saturday, followed by Sunday afternoon's Whatcom Symphony Orchestra concert. It was utterly sublime and every fiber of my being was drawn into the music -- "blissed out" would be an accurate description! Afterward, we had a delicious post-concert meal with friends at one of our favorite places in town, extending the day's delights.

I'm very glad that my fall exactly two weeks ago today didn't prevent me from enjoying all those pleasant events! Thanks again for your many good wishes -- I know they've helped.

Blip 1375

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