Mrs Gaskill

"Where are you going?" Megan beeped and shouted out of the window of her car. She was just turning into Base and panicked as she saw me walking out of the grounds. It was a lovely, sunny morning and as I was early for our training day I decided to see where Elizabeth Gaskill's house was. "I'm just off to get a photo." 

I hadn't realised that the big house we passed every time we leave Base was the house I was looking for. It is a beautiful looking house, it is actually a museum.....but the gates were locked and it didn't open today! I took a quick pic then went to join Megan for our training day. 

It was the second part of our Welcome to the NHSBT was okay but  best of all I was home by 4pm! In fact I was home in time to watch The Chase...and I can't believe it, but the woman who they chose over me at the audition I went to is on!!! Is is bad to hope she doesn't win??  

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