The lads!!!

Omg Max and I are knackered today! We missed our flight home and ended up leaving Ibiza at 10 and then spending from 11.30pm till 7 am waiting for our flight to London, we found some arm chairs at a cafe and just dozed on and off occasionally buying snacks....
We had to get back for work and the boys and this was the best option.
We flew into Gatwick so then had 2 trains to get home... Yawn...

Anyway Susan called to say how lovely the boys were while we were away and that they were really well behaved and good fun ;-)

Anyway after checking all the emails etc I had a snooze and then James came over to do a Capital Radio session with me! Always lovely to see him, we had a good laugh and did a great job too of course!

So good to see my boys again!!!

Anyhow I think this is a massive blipday of some sort? Wonder how long it will go on? It's not hard to post something each day so I will be continuing for the foreseeable future... Blip, blip on......

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