The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

What a trooper ..

I woke this morning feeling as stiff as a board, mum was still snoring her head off, I had none of my fleeces or waterproofs as they were all in the van at the garage, so I pretty well decided to skip my bird class as everything was against me.

While waiting for mum to wake up, I looked at the class leader's last post on Facebook, describing all the amazing birds we might see today .. so I quickly got dressed, poked mum with a metaphorical pointy stick, took a handful of Paracetamol and headed off ..

We were meeting at Spurn/Kilnsea - at this time of year, if the wind's in the right direction - all sorts of migrating birds can turn up.

The weather wasn't really in our favour - it was quite dull and windy. We didn't see so many of the great rarities, but I was pleased to see a jacksnipe and this male stonechat.

There was also an amazing influx of hundreds and hundreds of goldcrests. They were flying in like clouds of moths - desperate to refuel after their long flight.

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