Auld vegetable!

This is a "turnip." You may not know it at all or know it as a "swede." To me it's a turnip and that's that. 

In Scotland these things are available all winter and are just fantastic. I cannot begin to describe how good they are boiled, mashed and served with white pepper and butter. Even better when mixed with potato mash. I saw this today and snapped it up. It cost 42p.

Another interesting fact is that they always seem to be sold as a "half turnip." I never saw anyone buying a whole one. You have big halves and small halves. So if you are feeding a  lot of folk you'd not buy a turnip but rather two half turnips! Mental I know :)

Turnips remind me of my youth in the 1970s. The vegetables available today just didn't exist. We had cabbage, turnip and cauliflower as well as carrots and peas and that was it. 

My mum preferred tinned carrots as she felt these were "more hygienic." Quite unbelievable but true. :)

Weather: blue skies; 12 degrees c; bright sunshine; glorious; jacket weather

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