Berries and Blue Sky
Looking up in the our garden, whilst hanging out the washing.
I've had a very frustrating day. My old Blackberry phone decided to give up, wiped all the data, just when I have good reason to need to be "in touch" at the moment. Spent most of the day surfing the Net, looking at options for a replacement.
Whilst browsing this deal and that, I noticed on facebook that most of my Blipfoto entries have disappeared. I hope it is a coincidence, and wonder if anyone else has noticed the same thing? My settings here say I have the link in place.
Then my iPad charger decided to stop charging.
A day when technological breakdowns have caused too much stress.
- 3
- 0
- Canon PowerShot G15
- 1/250
- f/5.6
- 23mm
- 80
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