Gillipaw's Journal

By Gillipaw


Leaves and berries, on the table in the garden. I like the red and green combination.

A busy day at home. Good to have a bit more time to cook, so I roasted chicken in orange and spices; with roast carrots, courgettes, sweet potato, green beans, garlic and red onion. I then made a crumble with apples from my parents' garden. Delicious dinner this evening.

Kept phoning the surgery to see if there were any cancellations. Finally got an appointment later afternoon. GP reckons the pain in my foot is soft tissue damage. I now have a tighter tubigrip bandage, and stronger painkilling gel. It does feel a bit better this evening. I haven't walked so much today, tried to rest a bit more .... nearly half way through my book.

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