
By mydartmoorwalks

Castlerigg Stone Circle

I am five minutes away from Castlerigg Stone Circle and the early morning sunrise forecast was good so it was an earlier start to capture the sunrise at the stone circle.
There were several other photographers already there - and a blipper I recogonised - fotoday - with his wife Lesley. An outstanding bird, nature  and landscape photographer.  An absolute delight to meet up at last and so much to talk about.
I had checked TPE (the photogaphers emphemeris) which confirmed the sun would rise over Great Dodd. What wasn't known was that there would be a huge bank of cloud, blocking the sun over the mountain range running all the way along to Helvellyn and beyond. So the photo we were all hoping for wasn't going to happen.  I took lots of alternatives but have to go with this one which shows the whole circle in its wonderful setting.  This was some time after the actual sunrise and   interesting that fotoday has chosen an almost identical image.
In the afternoon we visited Loughrigg Tarn, another place of outstanding beauty and a place I hadn't been to before.  I have put that in the extras.

Thank you all so  much for the stars and hearts I have received.  I am struggling to keep up with comments but I will hopefully get up to date.

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