
Had a great day out in Falmouth with D and her friend Todays and a brief glimpse of Roly! The trip down was a bit stressful as my phone unbeknownst to me, had not charged, so part way down it informed me it needed charging! So I grabbed my map and did the drive down the old fashioned way! Once in Falmouth I stopped at the first place that looked like  it would be  well known, borrowed a pen, switched on the phone and took down D's number then checked the map on Google and phoned D to let her know where I was! She gave me directions and off I set! Having gone round the Castle twice and speaking again to D who said the sea should be on my left and I was going the wrong way, even though I assured her the sea was to my left, I finally located her! Seems the place I had stopped ran all the way down to the sea, I had been at the top, she had presumed I was at the bottom! 
Once at hers Roly informed me that Kindle chargers would fit a Samsung so with phone being charged I could relax knowing the journey home in the dark would be  ok!
Falmouth is very pretty and has more restaurants than I have seen in a very long time! We ate at a vegetarian place and it was lush! We ambled slowly up the hill looking in windows, me more than them as they actually went inside quite a few! But I was entranced by the reflections in the windows! I did go into a wonderful second hand bookshop and we had a happy time, Todays left us there! I get quite overwhelmed at all the knowledge contained within books and always think how little time there is for me to learn about all the things I'd like to!
After taking more reflections in the water D and I headed to her local beach cafe for coffee and cake, I spotted a Mr Whippy machine and resolved to have one when we left! But my carrot cake was very filling and it was closed by the time we left! But a tour of her house and garden more than made up for this loss! 
D and I spoke of blip amongst lots of other things, and I admitted I was feeling ambivalent about it for a myriad of reasons - the test will come when I don't blip for the first time! I have a feeling it is going to happen and almost want to get it out the way!!! I need to get a balance in my life. Lots of things seem to be coming to the surface in this second year as a non working woman - last year was an experience it year - now I need to be a little more proactive! So for the moment I am reflecting on what I want and where I want to be to do it - the thought of moving from Calstock has reared it's head one more! Oh heck!
Reflections of Falmouth here!

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