A Perfect Distraction

Despite this office intruder trying to scupper my plans to get work done, I've actually done quite well today.

2 blog posts written, photos taken for 3 though only edited for 1; one of which may be scrapped as the kitchen experiment wasn't quite as tasty as I'd hoped!

E-mails have been caught up with pretty much too.

The grocery delivery arrived early. Yes I paid for bags but got 2 free as the standard online charge allows for 8 but they always come in more so the spares will go to the charity shop as we rely on carrier bag donations - can't see that being a long term thing though now.

I've even had a soak in the bath, though my tinnitus is reminding me it really doesn't like it.

Breaks have been taken for Stella snuggles and a Downton Abbey catch-up and I've promised to be off the 'puter in time to decide who I like and who I don't like in The Apprentice!

Today's Woof Wednesday is about our visit to our favourite pet shop's birthday celebrations on Sunday :)  

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